Jumping Back in to Foster Care


Well, we are officially just a little more than a week away from jumping back into foster care. I couldn’t be more excited, but also am feeling some nervous jitters and, if I’m being honest, some sadness. It has just been the four of us for over two years, and while I’m so excited for this next chapter, it’s bittersweet that this current season is over.

It’s funny how change brings about so many feels. While I would argue I’m one that actually likes change, this next chapter is feeling a little overwhelming. There is so much good that comes from jumping back into foster care and I know this is the right season for us to do so, but it’s still a change. I believe the more I acknowledge what I’m feeling, the more prepared I will be when I get that phone call for a little one who needs a home. My dad told me recently, “people aren’t afraid of change, they are afraid of loss.” This really resonated with me. I’m not afraid of the change, but rather, this new season feels a little daunting because I am thinking about what we will lose as we enter it. Liam won’t be the baby anymore. The “ease” of having two kids who can play independently and sleep through the night won’t be our norm anymore. The easy date nights won’t necessarily be there for a while (although let’s be honest — we haven’t taken many date nights out in the past year ha). But when I think about all the good that will come from stepping out in faith and into a new season, the excitement comes flooding back and peace fills my soul. 

So, not only to help myself process, but also include you in this journey, I thought I’d share with you all the good that is going to come from us jumping back into foster care, and why I am so excited for this next chapter. 

Our family will grow. Literally, and even on a deeper level too. Zach and I always knew we wanted a big family, so we are excited to be growing and welcoming another one as a member of our crew. But even more than that, because we are jumping into foster care, we will all be growing together on an emotional and spiritual level. Together, we are stepping into a messy, yet beautiful journey that requires us to be open to learning and maturing. Zach and I made a commitment to each other to never get complacent and being a foster parent does not let you get complacent! 

Another exciting aspect of our new season is that our boys will have another sibling. I can’t even begin to express how excited I am to watch our boys share the big brother bond and love on another little one. I have no doubt they will be the best big brothers. Mason already is, and they are so excited to have a baby join the family. Mason asks everyday when the baby is coming. I know it’ll be an adjustment for them, especially Liam, but I also know it will open their hearts to a world outside of just their four walls and safe environment. It will, even at such a young age, bring awareness and empathy towards others, and our prayer is that it will bring them closer to the Lord in the journey. 

Ultimately, that is our prayer for all of us. Our prayer is that this next season brings us closer to Jesus and that we may know Him better and be more like Him.  I firmly believe the bolder you are in your life and the more you step out in faith, the more opportunities God has to show Himself in big ways. While I have no doubt this next season will have its heartaches and challenges, I know God will show up and be with us each step of the way. My stability doesn’t come from the foster care system or my abilities as a mom and foster parent, but rather from Christ, who is my anchor. I am so honored to be used by Him to love and protect His children and cannot wait to see how He will move.


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