This is Thirty.


I can’t believe the end of my twenties is actually here.  Hello 30. If I’m being honest, I’m really excited about it. I feel like in society no one wants to get older, but there is something about a new decade and entering a new season for myself that is thrilling.  I feel so blessed to be living this life with a beautiful family, and had so many incredible opportunities to make the most wonderful memories in my twenties. But I am here for the 30s! 

Looking back, the last decade was such a huge growing time for me. I lived miles from my family for a few years, graduated college, worked with child and family services, married my best friend, became a parent, said goodbye to a child, moved twice, built an incredible community of people, & saw so much of the world. It’s an understatement to say these past ten years have been truly incredible and I have been so blessed. But they didn’t come without some hard times too. In addition to so much good, these past ten years have held some of my hardest years of my life as well. My struggle with anxiety became too much for just me to handle and for the first time, I had to seek some help to manage it. I said a few painful goodbyes to loved ones. And lastly, this past decade, I had to completely rediscover who I was as an individual as I took on new roles of wife and mom. Life is beautifully messy and I believe I’m stronger to enter this next decade not because of the amazing times, but because of the hard ones.

Looking forward, I am so incredibly excited to embark on this next decade and continue the adventure of living. I am more confident in who I am than I ever have been, and I am the most secure I’ve ever been in God’s unfailing love and grace. Because of this, I am confident the next season is going to be amazing. I’m sure it’ll have it’s hard moments, but I’m choosing to have faith and hope in what’s to come. I believe that life should be lived to the fullest, but sometimes that doesn’t mean the loudest. This past year of 2020, while not at all what I had envisioned it to be, really slowed me down to evaluate what’s most important in life. And I’m so grateful for this time to set my priorities before entering the next season.  So while I am confident this next decade of life holds many travels and adventures with Zach, and some indulgent moments, I’m mostly excited to live out of what I’ve learned from this past year. Though it is exhausting being a stay at home mama, I’m so proud of raising my boys and being the one to set the tone for my family. And I’ve seen my heart grow for loving even more kiddos that need a safe place. I’ve learned this past year that when we really let God have the reigns and live our lives for others, life is so much more exciting. I think it’s crucial to keep dreaming and setting big goals, but I’ve also learned when we let God take the reins, He creates an even bigger life for us to live. It may not be as “glamorous” but it’s so much more rewarding. So when I say that I am excited for this next decade, know that it comes from a place of expectancy on what God is going to do through me, not what I am going to accomplish by myself. 

Having said all that, God has already started to instill dreams and aspirations in my heart for this next season of life that I can’t wait to pursue. I’ve obviously relaunched the blog under a little different look, and honestly it was a little scary to do so. I’m stepping out to share my thoughts and life experiences, and I’m excited to see how God will use it. There’s another few projects I’m looking forward to launch, and Zach and I are ready to start serving foster kids once again. So in honor of my birthday, and the launch of the new blog, I’ve created a sweatshirt to sell as a fundraiser to help raise money for kiddos entering the US foster care system. So many kids enter the foster care system with nothing, and the purchase of a sweatshirt will help provide them with the necessities such as clothing and basic supplies no child should have to worry about. I’m super excited about these sweatshirts as I designed them myself! I have limited quantity available, and 100% of the proceeds will go to the kids, so make sure you snag one! 

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Our New Adventure


Coffee Chat 4.0 Foster/Adoption Edition