Our sweet happy baby has turned one! I still cannot believe how fast this past year has gone – it feels like just yesterday I was heading to the hospital with contractions anxious and excited to meet our little guy.
a few hours old
ONE year old!
July 3rd, the night before his first birthday I was way more nostalgic than I usually am or expected to be. I don’t know if it’s because giving birth is one of the most monumental moments of my life, or if its just because now that I’ve become a mom I’m a whole lot more emotional : )
I remember July 3rd, 2018 like it was yesterday. Zach had just started his paternity leave, and my mother-and sister in-law were in town for Liam’s arrival. Liam was at this point 2 days late and I was so anxious to have him out. Pregnancy as a whole for me was actually fairly smooth, and I’m beyond grateful for that. However, I’d say by 39 weeks I was overly emotional with nerves, excitement and discomfort. I was ready to hold my baby boy , and sleep on my stomach! So by July 3rd, I was REALLY ready. We all spent the day in Long Beach, walking around and grabbing lunch out. I remember feeling really tight, but nothing too painful . We had all settled in for the evening, Mason was asleep, and then I started to get really uncomfortable. Bouncing on my pregnancy ball helped a little, but it didn’t help the nerves that were coming on fast, as I knew this was it. (Let me preface that I was TERRIFIED to give birth – it was so foreign to me , having never given birth, and I couldn’t stand not knowing how it would all play out). But I knew that million of women have done it, and that this baby was covered by God’s goodness and grace and he would enter the world without any complications. And that he did.
We ended up going to the hospital around 10:30 pm, and by 7am our Liam was here. He weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz, and was 21.5 inches long. Our perfect BIG boy had arrived. We were completely smitten. We spent the 4th of July cuddling the newest member of our family, trying to get some rest, and ended it by enjoying the fireworks which we got to see from our hotel room!
I share all of this because a year later, as I was reflecting on the night I went into labor and Liam’s birth, I was reminded of the miracle that took place. It’s so easy as a mom to get caught up in the mundane of life; the appointments, the meals, tantrums, to-do lists and chores and forget the beauty that motherhood is. I’m proud to be a mom, and I’m proud to have given birth. I’m proud of my body for what it did. It is no small thing to give birth, and it is a gift I do not take for granted.
Many of you may not know this but Liam is our miracle baby. We spent over 2 years wondering if we’d get pregnant, praying for the gift of a biological baby. We were loving Mason as our (foster) son at the time and were at complete peace if God wanted us to grow our family solely though foster and adoption, but it was still a desire of my heart to carry a child.
And you know what, God answers prayers. He sees us, and hears the desires of our hearts. He knew that Liam was the perfect addition to our family. He knew Liam was going to make the best little brother to Mason. It was all in His perfect timing. Liam is a constant reminder for me that God is near, and present, and even when things may not seem to be going to plan, they are. I am so thankful God continues to mold our family in His timing and His ways, because I am confident they are far beyond anything I could plan or orchestrate.
We had the best time throwing him an all-American BBQ themed birthday party. We kept it more intimate, but made sure he was celebrated. And I’ve got to say, if you have to have your birthday on a holiday, you really can’t beat July 4th!
So happy birthday Liam. You are a gift to our family, and we love you so much.