Jamie runs the instagram @fosterthefamilyblog and owns the shop Goods and Better which supports and provides necessities to kids entering foster care.
We are all called to foster care.
We often talk about “calling” in relation to foster care and adoption. Calling is about obedience and purpose and doing exactly what God has for you to do. It’s a beautiful idea that brings freedom and direction to following God.
But sometimes we super spiritualize “calling.” First of all, everyone is called to foster care and adoption (see: every verse concerning caring for orphaned and vulnerable children), so the question, straight off, is simpler than we think. It’s not “if” but “how.”
Sometimes the “call” comes along like an undeniable message from heaven. When you just know that you know it’s what you’re meant to do. But sometimes—maybe, most of the time—it comes like a quiet nudge. Like like tears running down your face when you read an article, like your spouse bringing it to you over and over again, like meeting a child you just can’t get out of your mind. Sometimes, it comes from just sitting in God’s Word and being compelled without any magical feelings at all.
Not everyone is called to be a foster parent. Not everyone’s supposed to adopt. But there may be some who—if they spent more time leaning into the small and quiet “calls”—would realize there’s a calling.